Giving back to humanity
Our Purpose:
Art, Culture, Community, Heritage, Science, Human Rights, Environment.
Our Objectives:
- To use Intercultural Art exchange to promote global awareness by promoting global understanding and togetherness.
- Use Art, Craft, Design, Culture, Heritage or Science to promote tourism & investment by creating beneficial mutual relationship between local community, the UK and international communities.
- Promote conservation & preservation of energy, plants & animals.
- Conservation of the environment, support the preservation and resuscitation of endangered plants (Herbs, Scrubs, Fruits, trees etc) and animals.
- Support reforestation and climate change programmes.
- Establish- Art, Cultural, Talent exchanges Support Training & Development of creative people Engaging immediate communities UK & International communities in Art, Craft, Design, Heritage/history projects, offered through Museums, Art centres, Television, Radio, Internet, other media and medium.
- Promote Art, Craft, Design, Gardening & Farming education and therapy program.
- Encouraging the educational development of children, adult & the aged.
- Promote ecology, lifestyle and well-being of the community, society and international community.
- Facilitate training and development for young persons, adult, and the aged encouraging re-skilling where applicable.